We help with Business activity monitoring & controlling

Increase probability of achieving your business goals by tracking the right KPIs and goals.

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Align your business activities with your goals

Companies that align their business activities with measurable targets and have a system in place to monitor and control business activities are more likely to achieve their goals. We implement a monitoring and controlling system for you and measure their business activities at regular intervals.

With our in-depth accounting and financial analysis expertise, we define and calculate the right KPIs and provide you with meaningful information about your business performance so that you can make the right decisions to achieve your business goals.

If you know promptly what works and what does not, you can quickly take action

Observe the KPIs that drive the value of your business

Investors are interested in specific business KPIs. Measuring and improving them over time makes your business more valuable.

Be guided by your objectives

If you and your team are clear about your daily and weekly goals, you are more likely to try to achieve them in a timely manner.

Know exactly where your attention is required

Regular reports tracking goal achievement and performance to date will show you where your attention is needed to reach your objectives.

The business activity monitoring & controlling system

Whether you are an early-stage startup or already in the growth phase, we provide you the business activity monitoring & controlling system to manage your business.

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Achieve your goals with business activity monitoring & controlling system If your performance is not in line with your goals then here are the main steps to follow

Review of the current process
Improve/refine process
Provide Additional resources
Refine or change Strategy
Adjust Benchmark
Rotate Responsible person

Process overview

We create and implement a business activity monitoring & controlling system in three consecutive steps as outlined below.

Prepare prerequisites and framework
  • Define key objectives
  • List key functions and processes
  • Design reporting template
Set performance benchmarks
  • Involve responsible person
  • Agree on targets
Monitor and control performance
  • Create weekly and monthly reports
  • Highlight deviations from benchmark
Monitoring & controlling
from CHF 500
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Frequently asked questions

Continuously monitoring business performance in relation to its objectives increases the probability of achieving your business goals.


  • Raises alert in case of any deviations. 
  • Evaluates how likely a business is going to achieve its business goals with the current performance 


Indicates areas that need improvement to increase the probability of achieving the goal.    

Defining business goals and breaking them down into several quantifiable targets on a timeline is a prerequisite for business monitoring – irrespective of whether the purpose is to scale up an existing business monitoring system or to set up a new one. The entire process can be summarised as below:


  • Prepare prerequisites and framework


  1. List key functions and processes
  2. Define key objectives for each function and process
  3. Design reporting template


  • Set performance benchmarks


  1. Involve responsible person
  2. Start from current values or industry benchmarks
  3. Agree on weekly or monthly targets


  • Monitor and control performance


  1. Create weekly and monthly reports
  2. Highlight deviations from benchmark
  3. Take the necessary steps to get back on track

Yes, you can. A business activity monitoring and controlling system should be custom made for the particular business it is serving. When setting it up to be agile, the monitoring & controlling system needs to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the business or economic scenarios.

In addition to the regular KPIs, it may be useful to create a custom KPI for your company. Keep the following guidelines in mind when creating your custom KPI:


  1. Prefer relative ratios to absolute metrics for better comparability
  2. Only track KPIs whose positive change will help you achieve your business goals


 You should keep in mind that defining KPIs for your business is not a one time exercise but something that requires constant evaluation.

Yes, Setting up real-time reporting on business operations is beneficial and is always implemented when the benefits outweigh the additional cost and effort. This is especially the case in industries and business fields that require quick response time.

Monitoring & controlling system to steer your company

Get in touch with us and receive a monitoring & controlling system to steer your company like a top manager.

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