How improving customer retention rate (crr) impacts your business
Customer retention rate (CRR) measures the ability of a company to regularly serve its existing customers in exchange for money….
Managing time is one of the most critical skills for a startup founder. Every second you invest and save can take you closer to meeting your venture goals. As Ben Francia said “The future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow”. Time is often referred to as the most valuable resource. Therefore, Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg are excellent at time management. They know how to set the right goals and work with intense focus to be highly efficient in time management. So, here are the most essential time management tips for startup founders.
Tasks and goals without deadlines are just wishes and dreams. Therefore, it is important to give deadlines to your tasks and goals to accomplish them on time
Being a founder means a huge workload. So assign tasks to your colleagues, this will save you a lot of time and also finish off work much quicker. Telling ‘no’ sometimes is a good practice because this reduces unnecessary pressure and saves a lot of your time
Every person is productive in a particular time of the day. For some it may be early mornings and for others it might be late nights. You should try to utilize this time to get more output with less time spent.
Utilize your work breaks in an effective way to connect with your colleagues and people that might be of some help for your startup. Get involved in other activities with your colleagues like some game or walk to know each other well in person. This will improve your networking, team bonding and your spare time will be utilised in a right way
Business activity monitoring and controlling system bundle your company’s resources towards your main objective. It helps you to identify opportunities and threats earlier so that you can react before the situation escalates. Initially it takes a bit of time to set up, but once it’s created then you save a lot of time. On the one hand, it enables you to demonstrate your thorough understanding of your market and industry. On the other hand it also enables you to justify and validate your business plan and financial forecast
Time is an absolutely crucial asset which cannot be bought and there is no exact science to manage it. But, you own your time. Consider managing it thoughtfully. Good time management helps you to reach your startup’s objectives on time. This circumstance has a positive effect on your team morale and ultimately increases the value of your company.